We’re working on rebuilding the way users can view their designs. So far, Your Designs page was a simple list of all the designs that were associated with a given user account. Now we’re improving on that both in terms of functionality and performance.
There has been multiple improvements on this interface. We started using Typesense to leverage pagination and faster database queries. This change enabled us increase page loads dramatically. This technology will also be useful when we’re adding full text search functionality to this page. So that’s coming soon :)
There was another major performance improvement for generating artwork thumbnails. The system is now producing jpg files instead of png files. It also caches them much more efficiently. Therefore, reloading thumbnails will also be much faster.
We are continously working on improving WaveVisual in many ways. If there is a feature you need or an issue you face, feel free to contact us via live chat and let us know!